What a great weekend we had with our Internal Competition & Grading Day!!
Kids were up first on Saturday then Adults on Sunday. Everyone did so well with many competing for the first time!
Yesterday was extra special as Coach Phil (now Professor Phil!) received his black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu after many years of blood, sweat & tears!
Also very exciting to watch Sensei Marco, who is already a Judo black belt, receive his brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu after completing 4 tough challenge matches against 3 of our brown belts and 1 of our highest level purple belts at the end of the day without any breaks in between (after competing already)!
We also saw a number of adults promoted to blue belt and many stripe promotions. Congratulations to you all and congratulations to the many kids on Saturday who also received belt & stripe promotions.
Senseis Diego & Pedro and Professor Michael from Bondi were all very happy with the day and with everyone’s level and improvement. Great work GFTeam NSW!!!
A very special thank you to Professor Gustavo Guimaraes who travelled down from Sydney for the day to be our impartial referee - it was a non-stop long day for you and we truly appreciate your help.

Lots more photos to follow soon so keep an eye out...
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